
Monday, October 4, 2010

Emotional Being

In truth, our emotions are our largest weakness- simply because we have no control over them. Naturally we like to believe that we can reach a level of balance and discipline, but that in itself is debatable in regards to the nature of life. The question then is, “Should we control our own emotion? If so, to what degree? And Why?”

But that is a topic for another discussion. The message is that emotions are simply unable to be tamed, as much as we would like. We are naturally emotional driven creatures are we not? Every single decision we make is due to our emotional state- our feelings.

There was this man that lectured a class I was in- he talked about how language is a barrier, and how we as humans are limited from truly expressing ourselves through words. Many times in fact, language complicates the expressions of our true emotions rather than aid.

For instance, how many times have you heard someone say, “Man I feel tired”? Even though “tired” is not an actual emotion. When someone means their tired, they usually mean their fed up, depressed, stressed out, etc… and the emotions behind those situations are sadness, anger, etc… Therefore, we speak in coated messages, with our true emotions lying behind the words we use on a daily basis to display how we feel.

We as humans are no different from other natural wild species on earth- we all live each day by need. Our necessities are what control our actions and decisions on a daily basis. If we’re hungry we eat, if we’re tired we sleep, and so on and so forth. It is once we understand this cycle that we can begin to truly understand one another- maybe not entirely, but much more.

~ Stephen R. Acevedo

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, were you in a state of mind for emotions when you read my post? Haha anyway I think you've hit a couple of nails on the head with this. When we think of ourselves as rational creatures, I think we're actually rational only when we attempt to rationalize or justify our emotions. The emotion comes first, followed by the reasons we make up for it. Possibly what motivates or guides our behaviour has to eventually be boiled down to something and that usually is an emotion - a starting point from which we form our judgments and behaviours.

    And yes, language is necessarily limiting. A tradeoff is needed - for efficiency of communication, lines have to be drawn around concepts via language. Happens with philosophy and reality too - eventually we have to stop philosophizing and thinking too much about something and do it, otherwise nothing will ever be done. But when we do carry out an idea, we never really carry it out in its original, complete and ideal capacity.

    Sorry for the lengthy comment!
